Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 233)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 233)
Finally, in the context of the market exchange of commodities
among the peasant community in the Jordan Valley, the main
institutional conduit for articulating the peasant commodity
Producing sector to the home, colonial “and international
markets are commission agents operating through the regional
fruit and vegetable wholesale markets (hisbeh). These
commission agents are merchant wholesalers of agricultural
commodities. Commission agents are commercial capitalists who
essentially unify the function of merchant capital with the
function of usurer capital and a number also provide
necessary productive services to get the produce to market.
The control over these markets invests monopoly power in the
hands of these merchants which they utilise to consolidate
their power as usurers and transporters. In the West Bank
there are three main markets which are centred in Nablus,
Jericho and Hebron. The Nablus hisbeh, is the largest in the
West Bank and is the regional centre for the auction of
agricultural commodities produced in the north Jordan Valley,
the coastal plains and the West Bank Highlands. Commission
agents control a section of the hisbeh where they carry out
their primary business of auctioning agricultural produce.
Their particular section of the hisbeh is normally rented to
them, although the whole hisbeh is licensed by tender to the
highest bidder by the municipal authorities. There are a
number of smaller hisbehs in the other major towns on the
West Bank, but these are retail markets and not wholesale
ones. The majority of commission agents in the north Jordan
Valley operate through the Nablus hisbeh.
219 . JF,
Alex Pollock


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