Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 236)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 236)
also be noted that he is the region's largest landlord,
transporter and major export agent.
While the control of these two largest commission agents 1s
marked over the peasant farm population generally, it is even
more marked in the case of the sharecropping mode of
production, where these two agents act on behalf of two-
fifths of the sharecropping population and al Masri alone
acts on behalf of almost a third of all sharecroppers.
Moreover, al Masri also controls the commodity markets of 43%
of cash tenants, 20% of smallholders and 30% of farming-
landlords. Thus, the tendency for marketing functions to be
dominated by a small number of commission agents is both
relatively and absolutely more developed in the sharecropping
mode of production than among other petty commodity
Table 39: Ferceniage of Cash Sale Faid to Commission Agent by Aaqrarian
% Snare- Shepherd Cash Small- Farming Total
cropper tenant holder landlord
1 - 4 7 - - - - 7
37 9 138 é 29 29 7 208
10 - 14 176 5 i2 38 a 2o4
is - 19 S - - - - 3
20 - 24 i - - - - 1
Other 38 2 1 & - 47
Not asc. 1? 45 z 28 4 99
Totai = 58 43 1O1 14 278
f ar hee hae)
Lv f , 2a
Alex Pollock


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