Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 237)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 237)
In order to pay the commission agent for her/his service, the
peasant household hands over a set percentage of the _ sale
price of her/his produce which the commission agent deducts
when s/he auctions the crop. This percentage is variable, but
is normally set somewhere between 5-14% of the selling price;
almost three-quarters of peasant households paid commission
in this range (see Table 38). The most common commission paid
was 10-14% (normally 12%) which two-fifths of farmers paid,
and slightly more than a third paid 5-9% (normally 7%). (13)
If the only activity commission agents were involved in was
the formal merchant capital function of acting as a
commercial broker and intermediary between consumers and
producers, their monopoly position in the wholesale fruit and
vegetables market would not be particularly significant in
terms of their relationship to the peasantry and peasant
impoverishment. However, the larger commission agents are not
content to limit their economic role to that of merchant
broker. Rather, the drive for capital accumulation = and
financial gain has led them into other areas of economic
activity, through which their monopoly position in the hisbeh
allows them to accentuate their economic and social power
over the peasantry.
One of the ways in which commission agents spread their
economic network beyond the function of merchant capital is
to enter into the sphere of productive activity through
providing transportation and haulage services in order to
deliver agricultural produce to the market. If the peasant is
vf, 223
Alex Pollock


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