Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 238)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 238)
independent and free from combined landlord/merchant control
or indebtedness, then s/he is generally free to select
her/his commission agent and transporter on the basis of the
best price available. However not all peasants have this
degree of independence, and it is normally only the larger
and wealthier peasants who have this degree of economic
If peasant households wish to get their crops sold in the
wholesale markets then they are compelled, if their
commission agent is also a transporter and haulier, to use
her/his services to get their produce to the market. Such
transportation activities has enabled a number of commission
agents to form a cartel for the production of regulation
packaging boxes, which peasant households have to use _ to
package their produce before it can be sold in the wholesale
market. During the 1982-83 agricultural season these boxes
were being rented to peasants for 40 old Israeli shekels
(IS) (approximately US$0.40) each -— and in the course of a
season an average peasant household would use hundreds, if
not thousands, of these boxes — and when the box is delivered
to the wholesale market s/he gets a refund of 35 IS. (14) For
the commission agent/transporter this is quite a lucrative
Side venture to her/his merchant capitalist activities, since
in the course of the agricultural season the larger merchants
will deal in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of
boxes. Apart from the income from box rental, the
merchant/transporter receives income for transportation costs
and porterage expenses in the hisbeh. A direct result of the
Alex Pollock


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