Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 239)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 239)
introduction of HYV's has been to increase substantially
these costs to peasant households since the volume of their
production has risen tremendously, and thus their need to
make more extensive use of packaging and transportation
facilities has intensified in equal degree to their product
While the provision of transport services is a useful]
component in linking and subordinating the peasantry to
merchant capital, the singularly most important mechanism of
formally subsuming the peasantry is through the tied
provision of credit through indebtedness. Once the
"independent" peasantry - from all agrarian class forms -
become indebted to commission agents then that commission
agent has a monopoly over the marketing of their produce and
13 able to consolidate the process of indebtedness by the
continuing provision of credit to the tied peasantry from
year to year. This process is particularly marked in
sharecropping where the commission agent is also the tenant's
The commission agents’ monopoly position allows them to act
aS main provisioners of drip irrigation, seeds, seedlings,
chemical pesticides and fertilizers and plastic sheeting.
Tables 39 and 40 show that the majority of peasant households
purchase their insecticides and fertilizers (53%) and
seeds/seedlings (52%) from commission agents, while a fifth
of peasant households also get loans from commission agents
(see Table 41). Sharecroppers are much more integrated into
225 UA
Alex Pollock


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