Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 241)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 241)
Table 4i: Do You Get Loans From Commission Agent Ry Agrarian Class”
Loans ohare- Sheonera Casn Smaiin- Farming Total
cropper tenant nolder _iandiord
Yes dé 2 il 17 ~ 121
No 27o 10 ot 65 & 307
Uther ao 1 1 3 - 20
Not asc. 19 46 i 1s a 97
Foret 4OS a9 44 LO 14 625
It is in providing credit for the purchase of farm inputs
that the combination of merchant and usurer capital becomes
most acute and this intensifies the commission agents'
ability to engage in a monopoly form of unequal exchange
which is highly exploitative of the peasantry. The impact of
HYV's and the associated technological package on the process
of commoditisation has accentuated the process of
merchant/usurer exploitation of the peasantry.
The manner in which this has occured is that peasant
households are increasingly bound to their commission agents,
either because s/he is also their landlord or they become
indebted to her/him, or both. At the beginning of the farming
season the commission agent provides the fertilizers,
insecticides, drip irrigation equipment, seeds and seedlings
which the peasant household needs to start up the
agricultural season. All of these items are provided to
indebted peasants on credit. Normally, even if this credit-
bonded peasantry can afford to pay cash for these items, the
commission agent compels them to pay on credit. Quite clearly
Alex Pollock


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