Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 242)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 242)
this credit arrangement works to her/his advantage as the
range of credit which peasants pay ranges from 15-40% over a
nine month period (i.e. the period of. the agricultural
season). Moreover, the original price of the inputs sold to
the peasants are highly inflated, ranging from as much as 25-
100% more than the free market price.
Peasant farmers are quite clearly aware of the extreme
exploitative nature of the system under which they operate,
although they are largely powerless to do anything about it
in the absence of peasant associations, credit, marketing and
consumer cooperatives and other forms of institutionalised
credit which they could get access to. Immediately below I
have presented a selection of voices from the peasantry which
show their consciousness of the exploitation which they face
in their daily lives. (15)
The cooperative listens only to the landlords) and
not to the farmers and if the farmer protests’ the
landlord will not renew his sharecropping contract
for the coming year. Jawad Rizq al Masri took
possession of three-quarters of the lands of the
Jordan Valley by usurery... The landlord refuses to
allow me to buy in cash from the hisbeh and on my
own expense. The hisbeh sells each sack of
fertilizer for 11 dinars instead of 7 dinars and
Rupigan [a brand name for inorganic pesticide] is
sold for 28 dinars instead of 21 dinars (Mahmud -
The sharecropping system is a feudal system. It
would have been better if the farmer could afford
to pay in cash at the beginning of the season.
Buying on credit is depriving the farmer of
achieving any profit. The price of Intercole [a
brand name of a pesticide] is 100 IS. fon the free
market] while the commission agents at the hisbeh
sell it for 250 IS. (Mithqal -— ‘Ain al Beda)
Even though the commission agent deals with the
Alex Pollock


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