Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 243)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 243)
Jordanian dinar, he still get 25% interest.
Example. The cost of insecticide is 20 dinars at
the hisbeh, while the price becomes 25 dinar if it
is bought on credit. (Tawfiq — ‘Ain al Beda)
Working in the Jordan Valley is not profitable, it
1s as if we are working on 4 voluntary basis with
no material award. The only good thing in the
Jordan Valley is that the farmer supplies himself
[with food} from his own produce without paying a
commission, which is the only thing he doesn't pay
a commission on. (Hassan — Jiftlik)
Jawad Masri {the region's largest landlord and
commission agent] rents out drip irrigation
equipment for 20 dinars per dunum. Jawad forces us
to buy everything from the hisbeh and prevents us
paying cash even when we can afford it. (Muhammed -—
The main reasons for the increase in indebtedness during the
1980's has been the enhancement of commoditisation associated
with the introduction of the "Green Revolution" technology.
This has led to the re-ensnarement of peasant households in
the perennial cycle of indebtedness to merchant/usurers.
During 1984, when I did a number of field visits, I was
shown bills and receipts by one informant for the sum of 1000
Jordanian dinars (approximately US$3000) which he had to pay
to the region's largest commission agent. This particular
informant considered himself fortunate, as most of his
colleagues were considerably more indebted, owing sums
ranging from 2000-3000 dinars (approximately US$6000-9000).
Peasant farmers reported that in previous times, when they
operated with the furrow irrigation technology or produced
field crops, they would accumulate debts of up to 200 dinar
(approximately US$600) at most but never more. (16) These
peasant farmers were deeply concerned about the implications
of this new development and feared that their accumulated
Alex Pollock


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