Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 244)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 244)
debts and the interest upon them would be difficult for them
to clear. This fear was well founded, Since, during the 1986-
87 agricultural season, the debt burden of these farmers has
increased and they have accumulated debts of between 7000-
9000 dinars (approximately US21,000- 27,000). (17) Moreover,
in discussion, the agent for the region's second largest
merchant claimed that his employer was owed a total of
180,000 dinars (approximately US$540,000) by peasant farmers
in the whole of the Jordan Valley region.
Through their ability to act as suppliers of agricultural
inputs, merchants have been entering into direct relations
with peasant producers and their activities as money-lenders
have presented them with a structural claim on a_ significant
portion of the surplus product of the debt-bonded peasantry.
However, merchants have not been concerned to excercise
control over the production process itself which still
largely remains in the hands of the peasant household. To
exercise such control would be to undermine the very
foundation of the perhaps inefficient and unstable, but still
very lucrative, system of unequal exchange from which a large
part of their income is derived. Rather than directly
alienating the indebted peasants from their land, merchant
capital has been content to utilise its power and influence
to make sure that money coming into the region in the form of
loans and grants from the PLO-Jordanian administered Joint
Committee Funds has been used by the peasantry to service
their accumulated debt. However, as the financial inflows
from Joint Committee Funds have been frozen since the de
Alex Pollock


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