Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 245)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 245)
facto collapse of the Amman Agreement between the PLO and the
Jordanian Hashemite regime during 1986, it remains to be seen
how the system will continue to operate without this influx
of funds which helped the indebted peasantry to keep their
heads above water.
Due to the fact that indebtedness is not linked to
merchant/usurer control over the production process, this
form of surplus appropriation is necessary less rational and
more unevenly developed over the peasantry than contol of the
production process under capitalist regimes of surplus
extraction. While the intensification of productive commodity
consumption by peasant farmers with the introduction of
"Green Revolution" technology did enable merchants to
increase their appropriation of relative surplus product from
the peasantry to a higher level, the ahility to increase even
more relative surplus product has a built-in ceiling linked
to market constraints and ecological’ and technical
constraints on the productiveness of peasant producers. The
main accumulation strategy open to merchant/usurers is to
develop capital accumulation strategies through increasing
their share of absolute surplus product. This requires a
spatial expansion of their usurer activities over increasing
numbers of peasant households, pushing out less "competitive"
merchant/usurers and thus tendentiously increasing the number
of Peasants indebted to each of the more competitive
There has been a distict empirical trend towards both the
LA, 231
Alex Pollock


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