Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 246)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 246)
horizontal and vertical integration of market, credit and
transport functions among a number of the most powerful
Nablus—based merchant families. This trend is exemplified and
most developed in the case of Jawad al Masri, where we can
Getect a horizontal integration through the incorporation of
increasing numbers of peasants under his patronage as a
merchant auctioneer of agricultural crops. Vertical
integration can be seen in his’ evolving control and
diversification into transportation, packaging, credit and
exporting. The combined horizontal and vertical integration
of merchant capital, usurer capital and transportation allows
the larger merchants both to extend and intensify the
appropriation of absolute surplus product from the peasantry.
Although the process of horizontal and vertical integration
is well under way, especially in the case of al Masri, the
main mechanism of subordinating the peasantry to
merchant/usurer capital is through debt—bondage. This is
unevenly developed and distributed throughout the peasantry
as a whole and the larger and wealthier peasants have so far
been able to remain outside the net of perennial
indebtedness. It is the smaller and poorer farmers who are
most systematically exploited and subordinated through this
mechanism. As long as independent farmers are not indebted
they can purchase their inputs outside of the hisbeh, where
they obtain better rates on the open market. The independent
peasant household only needs to use the hisbeh for its
commercial function and not for its credit function. However,
one recent trend is that the formerly independent and middle
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Alex Pollock


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