Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 248)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 248)
not merely the juxtaposition of two forms of exploitation but
the concentration and intensification of both processes.
Debt—bonded sharecropping households are more securely locked
into Subordinate relations with their merchant—usurer
landlords than any other agrarian class. They are among the
most impoverished and indebted group of peasants in the
Jordan Valley. The clearest and most developed example of
this form of concentration 1s again to be found in the
merchant/usurer/ landlord Jawad al Masri, who is the
landholder of 6% of sharecropping tenancies in the region and
the commission agent for almost a third of all sharecroppers.
Moreover, the al Masri family as a whole are the landholders
for 11% of the regional sharetenancies. (18) The sway which
al Masri holds over his tenants has allowed him to institute
a system of monopoly pricing for farm inputs for his
dependent tenants and debt-—bonded peasant farmers.
While sharecropping in particular, but also other forms of
peasant production, remain under the control of
merchant/usurer capital it is unlikely that the laws of
motion of this form of appropriation will change and develop
into capitalist relations of production in the area. Most
commentators have had a tendency in the past to view
sharecropping as either a backward or transitional form of
agrarian system. Thus, most Marshallian economists focus on
the "technical inefficiency" of sharecropping, while,
Marxists, following Marx, tend to perceive sharecropping as a
transitional form of capitalist ground-rent, which was
destined to be superceded by capitalist ground-rent proper.

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Alex Pollock


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