Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 249)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 249)
Timothy Keegan has recently contended that both positions are
mistaken and argues that sharecropping 1s an exceptionally
rational mechanism of capital accumulation, under determinate
conditions. (18) In the context of - landlordism and
merchant/usurer capital relations in the Jordan Valley
sharecropping iS an eminently rational, although not a
completely efficient, response on the part of landlords and
merchant/usurer/ landlords to the problem of capital
accumulation in a situation delimited by colonialism and
long-term occupation.
Sharecropping, which is the dominant form of peasant
production relations in the region, was revitalised in the
area through the introduction of intermediate technology.
This outcome was largely brought about without any
concomitant capitalisation in expensive machinery, plant and
equipment, such as tractors, farm buildings, storage and
processing facilities, since sharecroppers typically rent
much of their mechanical equipment requirement.
Capitalisation with this "Green Revolution" technology
involves, by and large, an annual expenditure on the purchase
of seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, drip-irrigation
equipment and plastic sheeting. It is the phenomenon of
annual capitalisation which contains the clue to the
consolidation of sharecropping during the early 1970's, and
in particular merchant/usurer integration with this form of
peasant production. In the context of ongoing land
expropriation by the Israeli authorities, it would require an
unfounded optimism on the part of any capitalist investor to
Alex Pollock


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