Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 251)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 251)
Jordan Valley) since it identifies, with lucid brevity,
exactly the direction in which organisation and mobilisation
must necessarily move if peasants are to break out of the
perennial cycle of indebtedness to merchant/usurer capital.
While certain sectors of the peasantry, most particularly
sharecroppers and cash tenants, are enmeshed in exploitative
relations in the sphere of production, the main site of
peasant exploitation and subordination is in this sphere of
market exchange and access to credit facilities, i.e. the
main location of peasant exploitation in the present economic
conjuncture is in the sphere of the circulation of
commodities and money. It is in this sphere that peasants are
most systematically subordinated to the interests of
merchant/usurer capital. The whole system of merchant/usurer
capital is centred around the hisbeh, and a number of
merchant capitalists have been able to use this arena to
establish a complex institutional network geared to
appropriating as much surplus product from peasant producers
as is humanly possible.
Given that this is where the root of the problem lies, it is
no more than a false panacea to pursue development strategies
which conceive of the solution to peasant poverty to lie in
inducing peasant households to become more efficient and even
more productive than they are at present - i.e. the "Green
Revolution" strategy turned another ratchet. This certainly
may be a useful solution for independent middle and rich
peasants, but it is not a strategy which is going to mitigate
the worst aspects of the debt-induced poverty among the
. 237
Alex Pollock


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