Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 252)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 252)
poorest peasants; in fact it will only tighten the simple
reproduction squeeze around them. By the same token, neither
is the search for more extensive markets a solution to the
problem of peasant poverty and indebtedness. While a widened
market network would be very appropriate for raising the
income of an independent peasantry, it will not affect the
subsumption of the indebted peasantry one iota and will only
succeed in accentuating their miserable position.
Outwardly and at first glance, both of these strategies
appear to be progressive and potentially income-generating,
particularly as both have been addressed and pursued by NGO's
which have shown a long-term commitment to resolving
Palestinian agrarian problems and by at least one “popular”
Palestinian organisation working in agriculture. (21) The
main problem with both strategies is that neither is
inherently progressive. This is clear if we look at their
underlying rationale. They can both be viewed as tactical
adjuncts of the general strategic aim of economic’ growth
centred on a regional level. Economic growth is normally
measured in terms of aggregate output or aggregate income,
rather than according to the principles of income
distribution. While the "Green Revolution" strategy clearly
does lead to an increase in aggregate output, it does not,
however, necessarily lead to an increase in aggregate income
Since this is subject to the determinants of supply and
demand. If the home market or existing marketing outlets
cannot incorporate this increased output into the existing
market demand structure, it then leads to a crisis of over-
238 f
Alex Pollock


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