Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 254)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 254)
most common measures of achieving this aim in other Third
World countries has been through the establishment of
marketing and credit cooperatives, where peasants can sell
their crops for a fair rate of return and borrow money and
agricultural inputs at non-usurious rates of interest.
The whole idea and practice of cooperation is not a new
concept in the West Bank, but the cooperative movement which
exists there has largely been under Jordanian hegemony and
dominated by the Jordanian Cooperative Organisation (JCQO).
Moreover, the actual number of active members in the movement
has remained very low. In a study carried out during 1980,
Abdul Rahman Khraisheh and Jon Ebersole show that:
The agricultural cooperatives at this stage, reach
only a small minority of West Bank famers. There
are 466 villages in the West Bank, only 32 have
active agricultural cooperatives, less than 7%.
While 45,000 {persons} were working in West Bank
agriculture in 1978, our survey showed 4,222
members active and semi-active [in] cooperatives.
These figures put participation in cooperatives at
just under 10%. (22)
While these figures would appear to represent a generally
high level of involvement, they overemphasise the actual
level since, as the authors themselves admit:
the figure of 10% lacks significance due to the
wide variation in the amount of services provided
to members... {and]... semi-active is a generous
description for some of the general agricultural
cooperatives. (23)
Moreover, the actual superstructure of the cooperative
240 a
Alex Pollock


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