Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 256)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 256)
institutions which may be capable of providing support to
While Khraisheh and Ebersole are right to point to the need
“to develop the cooperative movement in the West Bank, such
development needs to be promoted without the corrupting and
politically partisan interests of the JCO. There is a need
for a return to basic principles and to develop a cooperative
movement concerned with addressing the basic needs of peasant
communities. Such a development is unlikely to occur without
the active participation of the peasantry in the control,
management and establishment of cooperatives. This further
requires their active participation and leadership in the
cooperative movement. The re-creation of such a cooperative
movement is problematic since, at the present time, peasants
are largely unorganised and there are no existing peasant
associations and unions in the West Bank. A fundamental
priority for developmentalists and “popular" organisations is
the need to expend time, organisation and personnel in
helping to organise the peasantry, since it is only when the
peasantry is organised in intrinsically peasant associations
that it will be able to address itsproblems and find
appropriate ways and mechanisms of meeting its basic needs.
In this chapter I outlined some basic concepts relating to
the circulation of commodities and the social reproduction of
commodity relations in a manner which is compatable with the
Alex Pollock


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