Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 258)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 258)
1. In outlining the presentation which follows I borrow
freely the main methodological precedents outlined by Marx,
who distinguished the interrelatedness and institutional
independence of the capitalist mode of production (Capital
volume 1), the circuit of commercial capital (Capital volume
2), the circuit of interest bearing capital (Capital volume
2) and the effects and interaction of all three circuits of
capital (Capital volume 3). I am also heavily indebted to
Geoffrey Kay's anaiysis of simple commodity production and
merchant capital, see, Kay, Development and Underdevelopment:
A Marxist Analysis, (London, 1975).
2. Kay, ibid. p.87.
3. William Roseberry, Coffee and Capitalism in the
Venezuelan Andes, (Austin, 1983), p.104.
4. Henry Bernstein, “African Peasantries: A Theoretical
Framework", in Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 6, No 4, 1979.
5. Ibid. p. 427.
6. See, Salim Tamari, The Dislocation and Reconstitution of
a Peasantry: The Social Economy of Agrarian Palestine in the
Central Highlands and the Jordan Valley, 1960-80,
(Manchester, 1983), pp. 367-69.
7. Military Order Number 47. "Order Concerning Transport of
Agricultural Products - 1967", according to a translation
from Hebrew by Kuttab and Shehaden:
Prohibits the import or export (from the West Barnk) of
any agricultural products (defined very broadly to
include all animals or plants or their products) without
a permit from the "competent authority". Also granting
of 244
Alex Pollock


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