Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 259)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 259)
extensive powers in enforcing the order and setting
conditions in any permit of grants.
See, Jonathan Kuttab and Raja Shehadeh, Civilian
Administration in the Occupied West Bank. (Ramallah, 1983).
8. Op cit. p.368.
9. Ibid.
10. See, Mark Harrison, "'Chayanov's Theory of Peasant
Economy", in John Harriss, Ed., Rural Development: Theories
of Peasant Economy and Agrarian Change, (London, 1982), pp.
11. See, Tamari, op cit. p.367.
12. It is possible that one or two of the names in Table 37
are not commission agents but rather merchant retailers who
come into the region with their own transport to purchase
produce directly from peasant households.
13. In his study, Salim Tamari, showed that commissions
tended to fluctuate between 5-7%. It is possible that the
time lag between the two studies accounts for this change in
commission rates. My study shows a wider variation in
commission rates than those presented by Tamari. See, Tamari,
op cit. p.295.
14. This information comes from fieldwork carried out
during 1983.
15. These peasant voices are based on discussions which
were recorded during field work trips. Although there is
numerical variance between between prices stated, they still
adequately reflect the subjective perceptions of a number of
the more articulate peasants in the region of the study.
vf. 245
Alex Pollock


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