Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 260)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 260)
16. This information comes from additional fieldwork
carried out during 1984.
17. This information comes from . discussions with
agricultural engineers working in the region during February
18. For the source of this data refer to the previous
19. See, Timothy Keegan, "The Sharecropping Economy of the
South African Highveld in the Early Twentieth Century", in
Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 10, No 2 and 3, 1982.
20. Mao Tse-Tung, "Fourteen Great Acheivements of the
Peasant Movement in Hunan", in Mao Tse-Tung, Selected Works,
Vol 1. (Peking, 1967).
21. I would contend that the term "popular" in this respect
is amisnomer, if this is meant to give the impression that
these organisations are populist organisations with a wide
following among peasant farmers and representing "the will of
the people". To take the example of two exemplary "popular"
organisations in the West Bank: the Agricultural Relief
Committee (ARC) and the Union of Medical Relief Committees
(MRC), it takes nothing away from the "progressive"
orientation of these committees to question the logical
rigour of using the concept "popular" to define them. Both
organisations are largely service organisations made up of
middle class professionals (In the case of MRC: doctors,
dentists, chemists, nurses, medical technicians, etc. In the
case of ARC: agronomists and agricultural engineers)
attempting to provide necessary services to rural communities
in the area of clinical and preventive health care and
246 vb ;
Alex Pollock


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