Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 261)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 261)
- المحتوى
agricultural extension. However, if we were to adopt a second
definition of populism as a movement against the spreading of
capitalist relations into peasant societies, then it might be
possible to accept that there is a populist element in their
organisational form given their, frequently disavowed (MRC),
political affiliation to the Palestine Communist Party. This
would, however, be to stretch the conceptual meaning too far
since their anti-capitalism is largely undeveloped and
postural in terms of their concrete deve lopment
interventions. For a discussion of the conceptualisation of
populism along the lines I have mentioned, see, Jonn S. Saul,
"On African Populism", in Giovanni Arrighi and John S. Saul,
Eds., Essays on the Political Economy of Africa, (New York,
1973), pp. 152-76.
22. Abdul Rahman Khraisheh and Jon Ebersole, West Bank
Agricultural Cooperatives: A Case Study in INstitutional
Change Under Military Occupation. (Jerusalem, 1980), p. 13.
23. Ibid. p.13.
24. Ibid. p.27.
25. Ibid. p.29.
26. See, Appendix in ibid.
27. See, ibid. p.31.
247 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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