Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 265)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 265)
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gender determined division of labour in each sphere as a
problem to be explained rather than explaining it away
through an assumed biological-sexual reductionism.
Two recent contributions from feminist analysis of
subsistence production which can help us to understand the
nature of the integration and articulation of subsistence
production and commodity production in the peasant household,
are the works of Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen and Carmen Diana
Bennholdt—Thomsen's basic argument is that there exists
",,.f{a]) basic contradiction within the capitalist mode of
production in the separation of subsistence production from
social production." (3) This separation’ is, she argues,
intrinsic to the capitalist accumulation process. The main
producers of subsistence production are women in the
capitalist countries and peasants (men and women) in the
Third World. Thus, for Bennholdt-Thomsen, subsistence
production needs to become a component in the analysis of
political economy. She argues that:
Subsistence production includes work related to
pregnancy, childbirth, nursing and education of
children, as well as that required in the
production and transformation of food, clothing,
housing, and the physical and psychological demands
associated with sexuality. In short, subsistence
production is largely women's work (wives,
housewives and mothers) in the metropolitan
countries. (4)
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- Alex Pollock
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