Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 266)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 266)
She would also include Third World peasant production among
subsistence production since peasant producers, she argues,
largely directly appropriate nature for consumption. However,
in stating her case thus, she makes a gross over-
generalisation, since many Third World peasants are
increasingly meeting fewer of their direct consumption needs
from their own produce and are becoming increasingly engaged
in market purchases to meet their basic food requirements as
their farm production becomes increasingly specialised and
undiversified. Thus, the major peasant subsistence producers
in the Third World are those who are least integrated into
the capitalist world market. This is a real contradiction in
Bennholdt-Thomsen's article. Whether peasants are subsistence
producers or not is an empirical question which should not be
generalised completely out of existence.
However, the central core of her argument is that under
capitalism the work of subsistence production is subordinated
to the capitalist valorisation process, and that the
subsistence products of the housewife are dependent upon the
wage of her husband. This is very reminiscent of the domestic
labour debate which further argues that the subsistence
production of the housewife is unremunerated and that this
reduces the wage costs to capital since part of the
reproduction costs of labour power are met from the
unremunerated domestic labour of housewives. (5)
Carmen Diana Deere develops an argument which is
complementary to Bennholdt-Thomsen's, but her argument is
directly concerned with rural women's subsistence production
in the Third World itself. She argues that:
ae 252
Alex Pollock


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