Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 267)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 267)
- المحتوى
. family structure and the attendent division of
labour by sex are key to the extraction of surplus
from non-capitalist modes of production. In
particular, the division of labour by sex
characterised by female production of subsistence
foodstuffs and male semi-proletarianization allows
the payment by capital of a male’ wage rate
insufficient for familial maintainance and
reproduction. The articulation between modes of
production, based on the familial division of
labour by sex, thus allows the wage to be less than
the cost of production and the reproduction of
labour power. This inequality is then reflected in
the low value of labour power within the periphery.
which either enhances peripheral capital
accumulation or is transferred to the centre via
unequal exchange, financial imperialism, or other
forms of surplus extraction. (6)
Deere's hypothesis is similar to Bennholdt~-Thomsen's. She
argues that women's production of subsistence foodstuffs and
other services within non-capitalist modes of production
indirectly lowers the value of labour power and thus
increases capitalists' appropriation of relative surplus
value and the rate of capital accumulation. (7) Women's work
in the agricultural subsistence sector thus serves to
maintain a cheap male labour force for the capitalist sector
of the economy.
While both Bennholdt-Thomsen and Deere apply their model to
the articulation of domestic labour in the capitalist economy
and non-capitalist modes of production in the Third World to
the capitalist mode of production, I can think of no logical
reason why this model cannot be equally applied to the
interconnection between non-capitalist modes of household
commodity production and landlordism, merchant and/or usurer
capital. In other words, the female dominated subsistence
sector of household production can operate to lower the
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- Alex Pollock
Position: 59954 (1 views)