Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 269)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 269)
- المحتوى
However, this process is not static nor even unidirectional,
but 1s a dynamic process which can change and reverse over
time with changing market relations, changing ecological
conditions and changes in the balance of peasant political
bargaining power. In agricultural communities marked by a
significant degree of commoditisation of agricultural
production we are likely to find that the subsistence sector
Plays a more important role in times of agricultural crisis,
e.g. during market gluts when prices drop and farm income is
low, during poor agricultural seasons or during periods when
peasant indebtedness is on the increase. On the other hand,
when income generated from the commodity production sector is
Significant and increases the disposable income of the
peasantry we should expect to find a lessening of, and break
down of dependency on, the subsistence sector, as more and
more household foodstuffs and services are bought in the
market place and no longer prepared and manufactured in the
During the period, 1982-83, when I conducted the research for
this study, there was very little agricultural production
designated for unalloyed household consumption. The data show
that two-thirds of peasant households did not produce a
wholly household subsistence crop (see Table 42). Of those
Peasant households which did produce subsistence crops we
find that only onions, potatoes, garlic and lentils were
produced for purely household subsistence consumption.
However, we should not be surprised at the limited
development of purely subsistence based production since the
regional economy is completely geared up to agricultural
295 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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