Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 270)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 270)
commodity production. A fairly significant amount of
household subsistence foodstuff requirements are met from
utilising a portion of those crops directed for commodity
production and market exchange.
Table 42: Crops Produced Mainly For Household Consumption By Agrarian
Crop Share- Shepherd Cash Small- Farming- Total
cropper Tenant holder Landlord
Onions 14 1 ms a - 25
Fotatoes 6 - - 1 _ 7
Lentils 1 - - z 1 4
On + Gar.k va - - - _ J
OGF xx 8 - i 1 - 10
PTKKX 13 ~ 1 - - 14
None 295 12 37 7& 9 429
Other 26 3 1 5 2 37
Not asc. a7 43 1 13 2 96
Total 405 59 44 103 14 625
xX Onions and garlic
xX Onions, Garlic and potatoe
4KX*¥ Onions and potatoe
A recent comparative nutritional and food systems study of
two West Bank villages, undertaken by Alison Powell during
1985, shows the pattern of household subsistence food
consumption. (8) This study is interesting inasmuch as one of
the villages studied —- 'Ain al Beda - is one of the villages
covered by my own research and so it is possible that the
results of this research are relevant for the peasant farmers
in the other villages in the region, who operate similar
agricultural systems. The main hypothesis of this study was
that women's subsistence production was more important in the
256 rn
Alex Pollock


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