Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 271)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 271)
Table 43: Origin of Foods Consumed Daily - “Ain al Hedax
produce purchased
| Foon Furchased Home Furchased Gift Made at Made at Total
| prodcd & home home home
prodced from hme from home
Bread ms 117 - - - ~ 120
Tomatoes - i115 - J - - 120
Olive O11 104 2 - - - - 106 ,
Onions 79 26 i - - ~ 106 |
W. Melon 2 i101 i - _ - 104
Eggs 64 24 2 - ~ - 104
Za’ tar &2 22 1 2 1 88
Melon 3 82 1 2 - - 88
Cheese 40 3 1 3 40 - B7
Olives B2 3 1 - - ~ 86
Yogurt 21 & 1 7 4S - 80
Milk 26 ra a i 1 ~ ~ BO
Hot pepper 18 39 1 1 - - 79
Fickles - 3 1 - 64 5 73
Grn onions 32 39 - - - - 71
Ghee 48 - 8 - 5 - 65
Garlic ra 8 Z - - - 63
Total 639 662 zi 20 160 & 1508
k This table 1s taken from Powell, 1986, 9.51.
village of Karma in the Hebron region of the West Bank
Highlands than ‘Ain al Beda in the north Jordan Valley,
because agriculture in the Hebron region had a broader and
more traditional agricultural productive base, a more
traditional social structure and was less geared to
specialised and modern agricultural production techniques.
Powell's study shows that the traditional women's
agricultural subsistence plot (the hakura) 18 very common in
Karma with 90% of the village households having a woman's
household subsistence plot which is controlled, managed and
worked by women family members, while only 5% of the peasant
Alex Pollock


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