Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 272)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 272)
- المحتوى
households in 'Ain al Beda have women family members working
a Similar plot. (9) These figures show that women's
subsistence agricultural production in ‘Ain al Beda is
marginal and suggests that with the development of commodity
specialisation, women's roles in the agricultural labour
force become integrated with male labour and that both
women's and men's land and agricultural labour is directed to
commodity production for market sales. The separation of male
and female spheres of autonomous agricultural production and
land control thus begins to break down once the peasant
household becomes entirely engaged in generalised commodity
However, although women's autonomous agricultural subsistence
production becomes integrated with generalised commodity
production, women still play akey role as subsistence
producers because the definition of subsistence production
does not just refer to the growing of crops for purely
household subsistence consumption, but includes the
production, preserving and manufacturing of foodstuffs from
raw materials and a whole series of other necessary household
tasks which are largely undertaken by women. We find that
women in the region still play a key role as subsistence
producers of foodstuffs for household consumption.
The data from Powell's study show that household based
production of foods for household consumption is still
significant in the region. More than half of the food produce
consumed daily is either produced on the farm or produced in
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- Alex Pollock
Position: 59954 (1 views)