Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 276)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 276)
unit. Within this context women's subsistence production is
articulated to the agrarian class structure.
My main hypothesis is. that women's Subsistence production
has become, once more, relatively more important in the
regional economy over the past four years, than it was during
the initial period of change-over to new technology, as the
regional economy has faced a significant agricultural crisis
after a period of short-term economic growth. Although this
thesis cannot be proven definitively without further research
specifically designed to describe and explain the household
subsistence sector, there are adequate suggestive data on
changes over the last few years which allow me to state this
position with some conviction.
During the early 1970's the farm incomes of farmers in the
region were very high as they geared their farming systems
towards specialisation in vegetable crop production using
high yield varieties (HYV's) of vegetable plants, utilising
improved plastic drip irrigation techniques and biochemically
based pesticides and fertilizers. This was a period of short-
term economic boom as these farmers, who were among. the
first generation of Palestinian farmers to operate with this
system, generally benefited from a market situation where
vegetable commodity prices were set by less technically
advanced forces of production. These new techniques produced
500-800% more crop tonnage per dunum than traditional farming
methods. In this situation, where market prices were mainly
set by vegetable crops using traditional methods of
cultivation, the Jordan Valley peasant farmers received
Alex Pollock


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