Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 279)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 279)
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need for labour activity. This lack of symmetry in the burden
of labour is a direct result of women's subordination to men
within a very specific agrarian class context.
There are two fundamental reasons for discussing the
household subsistence economy which relate directly to
development policy and issues of development strategy. First,
there have been a number of discussions and workshops among
grass-roots organisations, developmentalists and academics in
the West Bank working in agriculture or who have an interest
in agrarian development strategies. Among the issues raised
in these discussions has been the need to lessen dependency
on Israeli. produce and to develop strategies which make the
Palestinian population more reliant on their own produce for
foodstuff consumption. One of the strategic elements often
discussed in achieving this end is to reinforce the peasant
household subsistence economy. (16) Quite often this
discussion takes place in a way which idealises and
romanticises peasant relations of production and proceeds as
if the subsistence economy was a sphere independent of
commodity production. It cannot be overemphasised that the
subsistence economy exists in conjunction with and connection
to commodity production. The actual balance between the two
sectors is reflected in the degree of commoditisation and
levels of profitability of the activity in which the
peasantry are engaged. It is thus important to note that the
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- Alex Pollock
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