Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 280)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 280)
- المحتوى
subsistence sector does not constitute an alternative to
commodity production. This 1S particularly relevant in a
social formation dominated by capitalist production.
While increased subsistence production, particularly if
linked to village nutrition and health education programmes,
could lead to improved health and nutrition and more reliance
on household produced foodstuffs, it could also increase the
level of peasant exploitation. This relates to the point I
have previously made about the potential for peasant
household subsistence production operating as a hidden income
equivalent which allows landlords, merchants and usurer
capital to reduce the reproduction costs of the commodity
production sector. So although the expansion of the
subsistence sector could conceivably lead to a lessening of
the dependency of the peasant household on certain types of
Israeli produced consumer goods, particularly foodstuffs,
this could be achieved, contrary to the intentions of local
grass-roots organisations and NGO development agencies, ina
way which simultaneously increases the level of peasant
exploitation. Unless such a strategy is carried out in
conjunction with strategies of empowering the peasantry
through cooperative organisation and other means of
strengthening their bargaining and political power vis-a-vis
landlords', merchants' and usurers' capital then I fear that
the best efforts of local grass-roots organisations and
foreign NGO's will have unintended deleterious consequences
for peasant producers. For if such a strategy takes place
under the existing balance of agrarian power and social
relationships, then the persons most likely to benefit
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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