Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 281)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 281)
directly from such a strategy are landlords, merchants and
usurers. [It is a serious error in development thinking to
reduce the question of the subsistence economy to a
nationalist issue, since the singular emphasis’ on the
nationalist side of the equation could lead to neglect of the
agrarian class aspect of peasant exploitation. The questions
of dependency and agrarian class have to be addressed
concurrently, particularly if we wish to lessen dependency on
Israel and simultaneously improve the livelihood of peasant
It should further be remembered, particularly by those grass-
roots organisations and agencies who attempt to promote a
development agenda which could generally be defined as
“progressive” or “popular", that intensifying the subsistence
sector will ultimately increase the workload of women rather
than men, since as Barbara Rodgers has pointed out:
The total amount of subsistence work done by women
is not recorded in most studies of the labour
force, or in "manpower" studies and planning. Time-
budget studies are just beginning to appear rather
sporadically which do cover some or all] aspects of
women's work. With overwhelming uniformity, they
depict rural woman as working extremely long hours,
and expending energy without adequate rest on a
wide variety of tasks, all of which are essential
to the families' survival. Inmost if not all
cases, women's work is seen as much more arduous
and time consuming than men's. (17)
Grass-roots organisations and NGO's should be aware that the
Promotion of a subsistence sector based strategy, even one
which adequately addresses the issue of dependency and class
Simultaneously, could have a negative impact on women's
Alex Pollock


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