Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 287)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 287)
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As one would expect this is a postion most readily adopted by
“progressive" men, although organised women have, on the
whole, themselves tended to subordinate their immediate
gender issues to the wider nationalist issue.
There is a wider need for understanding and appreciation of
peasant women's involvement in both the commodity production
and subsistence production sectors of the economy. Once
developmentalists, whether they be in foreign NGO's or in
local grass-roots organisations, have _@ wider and more
concrete understanding of these issues they are more likely
to be in a postion to adopt developmental strategies aimed at
lessening the burden of peasant women's’ workloads and
treating them as active and equal partners (without the
heavily loaded sexist connotations of the word) in the
development process. One positive way forward would be to
think of the subsistence sector as a potential resource base
for income-generating projects for women, since this is a
sector where they have developed their own skills and
knowledge. If projects take place in this sector in such a
manner where women themselves take the responsibility for
resource allocation, setting of work schedules and labour
activity then such projects could act as a means of lessening
the burden of women's work. However, there is a danger that
women-focussed projects will not be treated as central or
with the same degree of seriousness as ma le-focussed
production projects. The whole issue of income-generation
projects is a fairly complex issue which has many dangerous
pit-falls which could increase the burden of labour rather
than lessen it. (23) Recent research has repetitively shown
273 - تاريخ
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- Alex Pollock
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