Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 289)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 289)
NGO’s, the first with an office in east Jerusalem and the
second operating with a British field officer) became
interested in establishing a drip-irrigation project with the
aim of helping to transform backward agricultural production
techniques in the hope that this would increase farm income
in such a mannner that it would mitigate the fairly high
poverty levels among the local farm population. (25) The
agencies were motivated by commendable humanitarian values
and by an ideological commitment to alleviate the worst
aspects of Israeli colonial rule through attempting to
invigorate Palestinian agricultural production. The manner in
which this intervention was “undertaken was modelled on
classical technological diffusionist lines.
The diffusionist model of agrarian reform and change views
the problem of rural poverty and underdevelopment as
essentially stemming from technological. backwardness. The
main policy initiatives which flow from this assumption are
that poverty and underdevelopment can be checked by the
inflow of highly educated agricultural extension agents into
the countryside to diffuse the backlog of technological
knowledge about new equipment and plant species. (26) This
equipment and technique is then made available through aid
transfers and grants. The approach is rationalised by
technological determinism which is largely techno-centric and
thus fails to take into account the affect which existent
agrarian social relations might have on the problem of the
generation of peasant poverty. Thus, the social groups, whose
exploitative influence the policy might have been aimed at
Alex Pollock


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