Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 291)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 291)
- المحتوى
mMechanisation and tractorisation, while, yet other labour
tasks have become more labour intensive during the harvest
period due to increased crop yields. This accompaniment is
not accidental but has become both technically and
financially possible with the drip irrigation technology.
Land and water are the principal factors of production
combined in the agricultural labour process with seeds,
insecticides, fertilizers and other agricultural inputs.
These raw materials of production are combined and
transformed in the labour process through the purposeful
activity of men and women working upon them with the aid of
tools, machinery and livestock. The way in which these
elements are utilised is variable and dependent upon the type
and level of technology utilised. In the context of the
Jordan Valley we can conveniently distinguish between two
agricultural technologies: the furrow irrigation system and
the drip irrigation system.
The equipment used in the furrow irrigation system is very
simple and inexpensive and could be made cheaply by local
blacksmiths. Before the introduction of tractors the land was
ploughed by draft power, again using very simple and cheaply
constructed ploughs made of wood and metal and harnessed to
draft animals, normally donkeys or mules. During this time,
if farmers did not have their own animals then they would
hire them. The ploughs used were very primitive and would
only plough one furrow at a time, thus it would take a few
days of continual labour to plough the average landholding.
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- Alex Pollock
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