Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 295)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 295)
- المحتوى
The immediate impact of these changes on the family division
of labour was to lessen the workload of the family male
workers, since it has been the work tasks of the male family
members which have been most readily adapted to
mechanisation. (28) Moreover, while drip irrigation brought
about a reduction in the demand for male labour associated
with furrow irrigation, it has simultaneously increased the
demand for labour, particularly female -labour, at other
periods of the year, i.e. during transplanting, weeding and
Moreover, because of the nature of vegetable crop production,
mechanisation in transplanting and harvesting remains
negligble. The planting and harvesting phases of the the
agricultural season have remained labour intensive periods of
activity which have little or no potential for mechanical
innovation. Thus, sowing and transplanting, weeding,
harvesting, packing and hauling have remained labour
intensive activities. It is precisely in these work tasks
where the labour of women is concentrated. The major change
which the drip irrigation technology has brought about in the
sexual division of labour has been to decrease the
traditional workload of family males in the pre-sowing and
irrigation phases while in fact increasing the demand for
labour during the harvest period, the period when the demand
for female family labour is traditionally at its peak. The
overall effect has been to increase the workload of women. In
fact, because of the increased productivity due to new
technology and hybrid seedlings the workload at the harvest
281 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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