Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 298)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 298)
which have been purchased from seedling nurseries owned by
merchants and landlords. These nurseries specialise in
growing HYV's of seedlings on intensive production nursery
beds in plastic hot-houses where the maturation process is
rigorously controlled and monitored in terms of moisture and
temperature. During this period farmers might plant some hot
pepper and green beans. Around November, December and
January, if the household sows field crops, the men and women
will sow wheat and barley, and during February they might
Plant some maize, water melon and honeydew melon. The busiest
period of sowing activity is during the transplanting of
tomato and eggplant seedlings. These crops are extensively
produced on the majority of farms. Throughout this period
women family workers bear a very significant portion of the
burden of labour. The work of transplanting is labour
intensive, backbreaking, manual work which takes place
without any mechanical assistance and is undertaken with the
aid of only a small pointed stick which is used to prepare a
hole into which the vegetable seedling is then transplanted.
The use of HYV's has led to the use of germinating seedlings
rather than ungerminated seeds. This work is much more labour
intensive than the sowing of seeds by harrowing since it has
to be done completely by hand, and each seedling has to be
carefully planted and packed into the appropriate position
next to the drip irrigation seepages holes. Seedlings have to
be treated very carefully so that they are not damaged in the
process of transportation and transplanting.
From early September till the end of the agricultural season
weeding the fields becomes an important activity. Weeds have
a a !
Alex Pollock


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