Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 300)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 300)
The actual harvest season lasts from November till July,
although the peak of the harvest season is from February
until April when the production of tomatoes and eggplants are
at their most intense. These crops are absolutely more
productive per dunum ton than any other vegetable crop and
they therefore require higher labour inputs during their
harvest. During this period both male and female family
workers will work harvesting the crop on a daily basis.
March till May is the harvest season for field crops such as
wheat and barley. It is possible to harvest these crops by
mechanised processes, although the major determinant on
whether these crops are mechanically harvested or not depends
on the dunumage under cultivation. If families are producing
only a small amount, say one or two dunums for household
subsistence use, then they will be most likely to harvest the
crop by use of a hand-held scythe and then thresh the _ crop
mechanically through one of the itinerant threshers who
travel the countryside and charge a small fee for threshing
the crop. However, if the field crop is extensive and
produced for commercial purposes, then it is likely to be
harvested by means of the rental of a combine harvester and
Late in the season, between June and July, maize is harvested
by those farmers who produce it. Maize is normally a second
crop and in the early 1980's very few farmers went to the
trouble of producing it. However, as farm profits have
declined in the mid~80's, more and more farmers are choosing
to grow it as a second crop since it helps to meet household
286 vf
Alex Pollock


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