Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 306)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 306)
In all the non-capitalist forms of production units part-time
female day labourers constitute the most important type of
wage labour supply. However, they are particularly central to
the sharecropping sector where they constitute 70% of the
part-time day labour supply. They constitute 49% of the part-
time day labour force in farming-shepherding, 53% in
smallholding and 64% in cash tenancy. It is significant to
note that gender is not an important unit of analysis in the
full-time day labour force since full-time day labourers are
marginal to the supply of the regional labour force.
However, the most important point which the aggregate data
substantiate is that the peasant family is the singular most
important source of labour supply, with 99% of the fully
employed peasant agricultural labour force being supplied
from the immediate peasant family itself; peasant women
accounting for 48% of the aggregate figure and men
constituting the remainder. Family labour accounts for almost
two-thirds of all labour utilised, while seasonal waged
labour accounts for slightly greater than a third of the
aggregate labour force but it is only mobilsed for a _ very
short period of the agricultural season.
Workforce Supply Patterns on the Farm
If we turn to the general characteristics of the pattern of
labour force employment on the farm, the data show the
typical employment pattern of full-time family workers on all
aon 292
Alex Pollock


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