Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 307)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 307)
- المحتوى
forms of farm enterprises (see Table 47). The typical (most
Common) pattern of labour employment on the sharecropping
farm is one full-time male worker (65% of (farms) and one
full-time female family worker (49% of farms). Interestingly,
12% of sharecropping farms do not employ any full-time female
family workers, yet sharecropping farms are more likely to
employ two or more full-time female family workers (45% of
farms) than males (33% of farms). Less than one-third of
sharecropping farms had two or more full-time male family
workers and almost a quarter had two or more full-time female
family workers.
It is important to remember that the family labour force
supply is not a static entity in the peasant agrarian economy
but is determined, in a fundamental manner, by the
demographic characteristics of the household. Peasant
households are constituted of different familial reproductive
and generational phases. Young peasant families will be less
likely to employ adult family members than older families
because of biological reproductive differences. Thus. the
peasant family forms a biological reproductive unit which
will be internally constituted with different potential
familial labour supplies at different phases in the
demographic cycle of the family. This means that there is no
ideal-typical or optimum familial labour base. Rather the
potential household labour force is a largely generationally
determined variable. The peasant household is much more
likely to employ day labour if the household supply of
labour is not adequate to meet the labour input requirement.
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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