Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 309)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 309)
- المحتوى
The utilisation of day labour will thus be a function of the
elements of farm size, type of produce and household
As with sharecropping, but less pronounced, the typical
pattern of full-time male family worker employment in the
farming-shepherd sector is for one male full-time worker (41%
of farms) and one female full-time worker (35% of farms) to
be employed on the family holding. The employment of two
full-time workers is more common in farming-shepherding than
in sharecropping and almost a third of farming-shepherd
concerns have two full-time workers from both sexes. However,
a higher portion of women family members did not work (18%)
in any farm labour capacity. We should however bear in mind
that the absolute numbers in this sector are very small.
The pattern for cash tenancy is similar but once again less
uniform than the situation in sharecropping; 42% of cash
tenancies have one full-time male family worker and 38% have
one full-time female family worker. More than a fifth of cash
tenancies do not employ female family workers on a_ full-time
basis. A third of cash tenancies have two full-time male
workers engaged on the family farm and 16% have two full-time
female workers.
In the smallholding sector 55% of farms employ one full-time
male family worker and 40% employ one full-time female family
worker. A fifth of smallholdings employ no full-time female
family workers. Slightly more than a fifth have two full-time
male family workers and 16% have two full-time female
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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