Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 320)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 320)
Bulletin Vol 10, No 3, Jean Gardiner, “Women's Domestic
Labour", in New Left Review, No 89, 1975, Margaret Coulson,
Branka Magas and Hilary Wainwright, "'Women's Domestic Labour
Under Capitalism’ - A Critique", in New Left Review, No 89,
6. Carmen Diana Deere, "Rural Women's Subsistence
Production in the Capitalist Periphery”, in Robin Cohen,
Peter C. W. Gutkind and Phyllis Brazier, Eds., Peasants and
Proletarians, (London, 1979), pp. 133-34.
7. See, ibid. p.134.
8. See, Alison Powell, Food Resources and Food Systems in
Two West Bank Villages. A report to the Arab Thought Forum,
Jerusalem, (1986).
9. See, ibid. Table 5.3 p.39.
10. Ibid. Table 6.6 p.56.
11. See, Marie—Angelique Savane, "Migration", in ILO, Rural
Development and Women in Africa, (Geneva, 1984), pp.29-33.
12. See, Deere, op cit. p.135.
13. See, Salim Tamari and Rita Giacaman, Zbeidat: The
Social Impact of Drip-Irrigation on a Palestinian Peasant
Community in the Jordan Valley, (Birzeit, 1980), p.25.
14. For further details, see, Alex Pollock, "Society and
Change in the Northern Jordan Valley", in George Abed, Ed.,
Deve lopment Under Prolonged Occupation, (Geneva,
15. This information comes from discussions with
agricultural engineers working in the region.
16. These issues were first discussed at the "Workshop on
Rural Development Strategies” held at Birzeit University
Alex Pollock


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