Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 321)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 321)
- المحتوى
during 16-18 August 1985. They were further discussed at the
"Panel on Funding Sources in the Occupied Territories" hosted
by the Arab Thought Forum, Jerusalem on 12 September 1986.
The Issue was substantially discussed in the paper presented
to the panel by Muharram Barghouthi, "Development From a
Different Perspective" (Tanmiyeh Bimafhum Mukhtalef) (Arabic),
in Abdul Sattar Qassem, Ed., Funding Sources For Development
in the Occupied Territories (Masader Tamweel Ittanmiyeh Fi Al
Aradey Al Muhtileh) (in Arabic), (Jerusalem, 1986), pp.39-48.
17. Barbar Rodgers, op cit. pp.155-56
18. Compare, Liza Fruzzetti, op cit. p.38.
19. Rodgers, op cit. pp.81-106.
20. Uma Lele, The Design of Rural Development, (Baltimore,
1975), p.77.
21. For a brief discussion of the Surif Women's
Cooperative, see, Tanmiya, Volume 1, Issue 2, March 1986,
22. For a brief outline of the project, see, Tanmiya, Vol
1, Issue 5, Ocober 1986, p.6.
23. For a discussion of income-generation for women, see,
inter alia Marilee Karl, "Income Generation For Women", in
ISIS, Women in Development: A Resorce Guide For Education and
Action, (Geneva, 1983), pp. 95-104. Also, Marilyn Carr,
Blacksmiths, Baker, Roofing Sheet Maker..., (London, 1984).
24. See, Marilyn Carr, ibid. pp.2-3.
25. For an initial Appraisal of the original project, see,
Peter Oakley, "The Jordan Valley: Drip-Irrigation for Small
Farmers", in Reading Rural Development Communication
Bulletin, No 5, November 1978.
26. For a critical assessment of the diffusionist model,
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- Alex Pollock
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