Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 324)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 324)
the extent of fruit production since the census was
administered to resident producers only. The larger citrus
fruit plantations ain the region were generally owned by
absentee land owners. Thus, an important source of citrus
fruit production in Jaiftlik and Frush Bet Dajan remained
unrecorded in our figures. The reason why this lacuna 1s
important in only Jiftlik and Frush Bet Dajan is due to the
fact that there 1s a general lack of access to water of
sufficient quality and quantity to grow citrus fruit in the
other villages in the region. Furthermore, the fact that the
‘Israeli authorities have imposed restrictions on the
production of a number of alternative fruits in this region,
e.g. vines, dates and plum trees, has caused a general lack
of other alternative types of fruit production.
able Sa: ‘ota: Nedicqa: Lunumage of Types ot Crono oy Agrarian Class
Soca eee eee _— ~
Cran Share- rarming~ Cash small- + Farning- TOC.
crooper Sreonerd Tenant hoider iandioard
YedeTanies 20, 4/65 220.0 bye? oy aFi 14,464.35
Pruitt 6.0 26.5 24.5 ae 1494S wi?
-V@L6 — ToS 2,yo7O.S Za 3 165.5 1,087.5 169.5 456. S
O:. "oOLe 4,422 Si7.5 L,oi7 3,454.5 Hilo 19, 62¢
we eel
* (nese tigures oO not inciuce tne land nele in fruit plantations by
aADSENLee iancdioras.
If we consider the agrarian class aspects of agricultural
crop production the data show that sharecropping households
produced 72% of the total regional area of vegetable crops
and vegetable crop production accounted for 78% of the total
agricultural land area utilised by sharecroppers. Cash tenant
Alex Pollock


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