Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 326)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 326)
field crop production. Field crop production was a more
important source of agricultural production for farming-
landiords. smaliholders and farming-shepnerds for whom it
constituted between a quarter to two-fifths of their
aggregate farm area. Field crop production was a relatively
more important source of farming activity for farming-
Shepherds than any other agrarian class since it constituted
42% of their farmed land area. This 1s aimost certainly a
reflection of the need for shepherds to produce fodder crops
for their animals rather than a preference on the part of
shepherds for field crop based commercial agriculture,
although this certainly does not rule out their entering into
commercial intercourse.
Finally, if we consider fruit production, the data show that
smallholding households were the most significant fruit
producers as they farmed 57% of the 5379 dunums of fruit
produced in the region. However, this only accounts for 10%
of their total farm area. Farming-landiords farmed 26% of
the total area of fruit production and this, quite
Significantly, accounted for 25% of their farm area. The
other agrarian classes produced insignificant quantities of
fruit and only avery small portion of the total arable land
of these groups was designated for fruit production.
Thus, the general picture which emerges from the aggregate
figures is that sharecropping and cash tenant households are
the predominant producers of vegetable crops. Smallholders
and farming-shepherds, while mainly producing vegetable
Alex Pollock


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