Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 328)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 328)
a nescence es tn we cnet ee tte ve ee enue wes cetera cy cannes neta uaueywonees anna aneen ate
VeNe@LADLES pc aren Farmsng- fash wtaiio raeming~ Total
crapger anepnercd cvenait ho:cder wcwanoiors
Tomato 200.5 cal 751 6 Te Oa7
a9Q01 ant. i. S 40.5 164.5 red dad aa oy 289
Courcetie ta rere ig.3 174.0 260.5 "Oa 44475.
LCM er 299.5 ead ay eae 35 pets)
Broag beans 3a. iz 71.5 150.5 can hy OF
Sweet corn tn 2ied LZ 63.5 9,5 298.5
Hot peoser FF iZ.3 6c afer ig modes
deans ~87.5 fad i? 78 - 490
Melon 295.5 7 43 43.5 to 404
Jews maliow 45 5 19 30 - 99
Sweet ovecoer 24,5 fed 7 73. “24 (lias
Gnion iz - a 9.5 ~ 26.5
Fotato 12 - - ~ - Le
Garlic 7 ~ - - - 7
Other vec. 56.5 Zao 14.5 41.5 - 95
/ Col. totai 10,472 Booed 1,827 2,088 291 14,464.35
clearly that the phenomenon of regional specialisation in the
production of tomatoes and eggplants was extremely pronounced
and, further show, that regional economic activity was
substantially dominated by the production of these two crops.
If we consider vegetable crop production in terms of
associated agrarian class characteristics of production we
find the production pattern of the different social groupings
was generally similar, with farming-landliords,. smallholders,
sharecroppers and cash tenants farming between 36-40% of
their respective aggregate vegetable crop land areas’ with
tomatoes. The one exception was farming-shepherds who farmed
60% of their total vegetable crop landholding with tomatoes.
Sharecroppers produced relatively more eggplants than any
Alex Pollock


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