Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 334)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 334)
sharecroppers farmed 76% of all the land which was double
The data further show that almost half (47%) of all farmers
double cropped at least some portion of their land (see,
Table 59). Those who did so most commonly double cropped
between 1-4 dunums, while the average area double cropped was
7.2 dunums. This aggregate statistical pattern remained
fairly constant throughout the different agrarian classes as
the majority double cropped an area of between 7.1 - 8.4
dunums of land on average. The only exception to this pattern
was farming-shepherds who double cropped significantly less
than the other agrarian classes on average.
Tabie 59: Sumber ct Farmers Double Crooping (Mode ang ==Average) ov
Acrarian Class
share- rarming- Cash Somali Farming- Total
cropper Sneoherd Tenant nolder iLandiora
| No. Farmers
Dol Cropsing 226 7 eae) iF é 296
Mode i-4anm i-4dnm i-Scnm i-4cnm i-4dnm L-4dnm
Average 7.10 Be od BS. 4c 7. 4d 7.&d 7.20
There were quite important differences between the agrarian
classes in terms of the incidence of double cropping. The
majority of sharecroppers (56%) double cropped some portion
of their land, while 45% of cash tenants and 36% of
smallholders double cropped some section of their land. Only
a very small section of farming-shepherds and farming-
landlords, 12% and 7% respectively, double cropped a section
Alex Pollock


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