Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 336)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 336)
- المحتوى
tomatoes. This brings out quite clearly the regional
Speciaiisation 1n tomato production among snharecroppers, cash
tenants and smallholders, but Particularly among
sharecropping households.
able 40: Sumber or Nuri of lometses by agrarian fo abs
Duniums priaran rarming- last omMai im rarmingn7 VOCAL
mropoer bneonerd i +enant no.cer Wanciord
i- 4 rab] i 6 16 - 78
3 - 9 150 a 9 26 ms Fi
ig - 34 27 3 iS i7 2 164
15 - 19 29 - z 5 2 28
20 - 24 13 1 3 4 ~ 2
fo 7 2S & { i 4 i it
20 - 34 4 ~ - i - va
40 - 44 2 - z 1 - 3
60 - 64 1 - 1 - - 2
190 - 974 i 1 - - - 2
Not ascert. = 1 - ~ - s
CoO... toi 370 Li a7 74 3 522
The statistical range of the area of tomatoes produced varied
across agrarian class lines with sharecroppers and farming—
shepherds producing between 1-94 dunums, cash tenants 1-64
dunums, smallholders 1-44 dunums and farming-landlords 5-29
dunums. Thus, as well as being both relatively and absolutely
the most important producers of tomatoes, sharecroppers had
some of the largest areas of tomato production under their
control, although there were very few households producing
tomatoes over extensive land areas and tomato cropping on
areas over 25 dunums were very uncommon. Farming-shepherds
presented a lacuna in this respect since one farmer in the
. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
Position: 59990 (1 views)