Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 337)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 337)
schedule expands tne statistical range in an unbalanced
manner. Sharecroppers, in common with smallholders’ and
farming-landlords, most commonly produced 5-9 dunums of
tomatoes, while farming shepherds most commonly produced 5-14
dunums and cash tenants 10-14 dunums.
Cash tenants generally had relatively more of their land
under tomato production than sharecroppers. Moreover,
although sharecroppers produced proportionately more tomatoes
than any other agrarian class, they generally had the
smallest plots of tomatoes which were 10.3 dunums on average.
The average size of plots for the other agrarian classes were
as follows: farming-shepherds 20 dunums, cash tenants 13.5
dunums, smallholders 10.4 dunums and farming-landlords 13.3
dunums. Thus, while more sharecroppers produced tomatoes than
any other class, they generally produced a smaller area of
tomatoes on average than the members of the other agrarian
classes who produced tomatoes. Inspite of this sharecroppers
produced the largest aggregate volume of tomatoes.
The data on the production of eggplants show that 67% of all
farmers produced eggpiants (see Table 61). Eggplants
constituted the second largest area of vegetable production.
The area of eggplants produced per farm ranged from 1-34
dunums with most farms producing 1-4 dunums and the average
farm producing 5.1 dunums. This was less than half the
average area of tomato production. As with tomato production
the individual areas under production were skewed toward the
bottom end of the range but with an even greater density at
JP, 325
Alex Pollock


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