Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 338)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 338)
the lower end of the range than with tomatoes.
Tabie Si: Sumoer of Bunums of Eugpiant fy @aqrarian Class
Jao ie Ses uimoer OF bunt OF ae grar.
Dunums aiare- Farming- Casn omaii- Farmingd-- TOtal
mTranoer snesherd Tenant nei der Lancdiord
i- 4 165 3 zl ood 4 ne
3 - 9 ize 3 7 ii a 156
io - id 29 1 2 4 - a6
iS - i9 4 - j i ~ &
20 —- 24 1 - i 1 - ms
30 —- 34 | - - - - 1
Not ascert. 1 1 ~ = ~ 2
Coi. total ee | 8 ae v2 7 430
If we consider the class specific cropping pattern for
eggplants we find that 82% of all sharecroppers' produced
eggplants, 14% of farming-shepherds, 73% of cash tenants and
50% of both smallholders and farming-landlords. Thus. we find
that eggplant production, like tomato production, was
generally more important in the farm economy of sharecroppers
and cash tenants than the other agrarian classes. Moreover,
eggplant production was even less important in the farm
economy of smallholders and farming-landlords than tomato
production, although its ‘importance was not negligible.
Eggplant production played only a marginal role in the farm
economy of farming-shepherds.
The statistical range of areas varied between the agrarian
class categories with sharecroppers producing 1-34 dunums,
farming-shepherds 1-14 dunums, farming-landlords 1-9 dunums
ZF, 326
Alex Pollock


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